Meter Provisioning

Meter Provisioning & Data Analytics

The supplying of secure, precise, and dependable data to your billing or operational systems enhances business efficiency, transforming and expediting the delivery of business value.

The Nexbe platform design combines both meter provisioning and management with real-time graphical analysis of events on-demand, as they happen in the network.

It offers:

  • Cloud integrated solutions via AWS

  • definable billing solution data packets

  • meter deployment and identification

  • upgrade to 5G Mesh (NR+) networking

Software features:

Utilising the computing power of our dedicated application core allows the capture of a wide range of events.

Our highly configurable event engine provides future proofing through remote firmware updates. This customisation allows events important to your business to be defined and implemented in the meter hardware.

Key real-time events include:

• Communications state change

• Ripple state change

• Last gasp / first breath

• Tamper

• Frequency deviation

• High source impedance detection

Real-time monitoring and control allow both retailers and network operators to respond swiftly to anomalies through fully customisable triggers and threshold events:

  • Nexbe AMI meters can detect and alert utilities to tampering and other cases of non-performing meters.

  • Nexbe deployed meters can control switchable relay circuits via local or remote smart control, and via the digital ripple receiver technology

Read more about available power analytics here

Please Contact us for further information and a software demo.