Smart Metering for Electricity Retailers
Smart Revenue Flexibility
As the energy transition continues, it is likely that customers will be required - sooner or later - to participate in demand side measures proactively.
Whether through smart home automation, energy efficiency measures or the integration of solar generation and the availability of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) battery support, the visibility of behind the meter products and services becomes more necessary.
The first rollouts of smart meters have generally not delivered meaningful change, other than in the reduction of meter readers. However, new generations of smart meters, such as those developed by Nexbe, are now creating value-add propositions for utilities and network operators alike, through the incorporation of demand-response-ready functionality and integrated load control.
As an aid to behavioural change, Nexbe technology can assist consumers in significantly impacting grid stability and sustainability.
The Nexbe Revenue Meter offers a range of configuration options across multiple registers, offering utilities the ability to create custom price tariffs and new products:
• Single phase energy with optional 2 load control circuits (e.g. EV and Heating)
• 2-phase with single circuit load control
• 3-phase (optional external load controllers)
• Support for 5min / 30min trading periods (dispatch/settlement intervals)
• Configurable delivery timeframe, on period or batched
Read more about the NV33 Revenue Meter
End-user Load Control
The NV33 supports single, two and three phase switchable supplies.
In addition to the hard-wired control, other in-home or business elements can be controlled via smart home integration, wireless submeters and relays, or with direct cloud control.
Future development will focus on expanding the DER, EV, & home control devices under management.
• EV chargers
PV solar inverters
• Hybrid solar/battery inverters
• Heat pumps
• Swimming and spa pools
Underfloor heating